BC: Newspaper Rips Port Moody For Dumb Gas Pump Warning Idea

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/11/04

From the "Dang! I wish I wrote that!" file, I offer this editorial by the Tri-City News ripping Port Moody council for going along with an idea of sticking climate change warning stickers on gas pumps. Click HERE to read the whole thing, but here's my favorite part:

We can picture it now:

A harried mom rushing to pick up her child from daycare after work pulls into a PoMo gas station to fill up. She spots the warning sign — similar to those surgeon general cautions on cigarette packages — on the gas pump handle and jumps back with alarm.

Harried Mom then leaves her car, tank empty, at the gas station and hops on a bus to the daycare. An hour or so later, after waiting at two bus stops between transfers, she reaches her home, child, laptop, bag of groceries, umbrella stroller and teddy bear in tow.

And Our Horizon, the group that aims to get cities to put labels on gas pump handles to remind motorists of the harmful effects of burning fossil fuels, has won a convert.

Does this sound realistic?

And the final line:

"This idea needs a sticker: Warning: Political Grandstanding."

Hear, hear!

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Franco Terrazzano
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